تأثير کل من القيادة السامة والسقف الزجاجى على الأداء الإبداعي للمرأة بديوان عام محافظة الدقهلية

المعلومات العلمية للعدد


کلية التجارة بنات - جامعة الأزهر - طريق النصر - أمام قاعة المؤتمرات - مدينة نصر - القاهرة الرقم البريدي / 11751


The study aimed  measure effect of the Toxic Leadership on Employee Creativity Performance, measure effect of the Glass Ceiling on Employee Creativity Performance, and acommon effect was the relationship Toxic Leadership and Glass Ceiling on Employee Creativity Performance, Accordingly, a simple random sample was chosen from the employees of the General Directorate of Daqahlia Governorate with a total of 217 individuals, the number of respondents to the study was 191 individuals The response rate was 88%, the necessary raw data  collected  through questionnaire a survey of 50  words was designed.
          The results of the study indicated that there were significant statistcally effect of the Toxic Leadership on Employee  Creativity Performance,  The results of the study indicated that a significant statistcally effect of the Glass Ceiling on Employee Creativity Performance, In addition, The results of the study indicated that Acommon statistical significant effect was the elationship between Toxic Leadership and Glass Ceiling on Employee Creativity Performance for woman of the General Directorate of Daqahlia  Governorate.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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