أثر المتغيرات الديموجرافية والوظيفية على العلاقة بين التنمر في مکان العمل والالتزام التنظيمي بالتطبيق على جامعة الأزهر بمحافظة القاهرة The impact of demographic and job variables on relationship between Workplace Bullying and organizational commitment Applied to Al-Azhar University in Cairo Governorate

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم إدارة الأعمال، کلية التجارة بنات القاهرة، جامعة الأزهر، مدينة نصر، مصر


The study aimed to measure the impact of both the workplace bullying and its five dimensions (job threats, isolation, undue pressure, criticism and humiliation, and violence and cynicism) on the organizational commitment, as well as to identify the intermediate impact of each of the demographic and functional variables (sex, Age, educational qualification, number of years of experience, and job level) on the relationship between workplace bullying and the organizational commitment. The study was conducted on a sample of (335) employees of at Al-AzharUniversity in Cairo. The statistical analysis' results confirmed that the measurement scales used in this study met the acceptable standards of validity and reliability of analysis. The statistically analysis outcomes are: the presence of an average degree of workplace bullying, as well as an average degree of organizational commitment of Al-Azhar university staff, and the results show that there are significant differences in the exposure of employees to workplace bullying; the source of this differences are: females with regard to isolation dimension, employees, the age group of from 30 to less than 40 years, and peoples with an intermediate and above average education level. The study also found a strong negative correlation between both workplace bullying and its five dimensions on one hand, and organizational commitment on the other hand. There was a significant effect of both workplace bullying and each of its five dimensions on the organizational commitment of staff at Al-Azhar University, and that the most influential dimensions on organizational commitment is violence and criticism, The study results did not show a mediating effect for both demographic and functional variables on the relationship between workplace bullying and organizational commitment.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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