أثر ممــارســات إدارة سلسلـة التوريد الخضراء علـى أداء المنظمـة دراســة ميدانيـة علـى شرکــة البريقــة لتسويق النفط قطاع بنغازي بــليبيــا

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 بکــليـة الاقـتصــاد جــامــعة عمر المختار البيضاء - ليبيــا

2 أستاذ إدارة الأعمــال کــليـة التجــارة جــامــعة عين شمس

3 أستاذ الاقـتصــاد بکــليـة الاقـتصــاد جــامــعة عمر المختار البيضاء - ليبيــا


The study aimed to identify the green supply chain management practices, the reality of the organization’s performance in Brega Oil Marketing Company, Benghazi sector, Libya, and to determine the type of correlation between the green supply chain management and the organization’s performance from the viewpoint of the employees of Brega Oil Marketing Company, Benghazi Sector, Libya. This study is based on the descriptive and analytical approach to identify the correlation between the two variables of the study, as the researcher designed a questionnaire that includes the two variables of the study, and the questionnaire was applied as a tool for collecting data on the research group that consists of (285) items of employees of Brega Oil Marketing Company, Benghazi sector, Libya.
The results of the study concluded that the phrases of the questionnaire of green supply chain management practices were of a medium degree, as the order of the dimensions of the questionnaire in terms of the degree of availability were as follows: (environment-friendly design, green manufacturing, internal environmental management, investment recovery). The phrases of the organization’s performance were of medium availability degree, and the results of the study confirmed that there isa positive correlation between the green supply chain management practices from the point of view of the employees of Brega Oil Marketing Company, Benghazi sector, Libya, and the questionnaire of improving the organization’s performance from their point of view.The study recommended the need to support green supply chain management practices in various dimensions, for having positive effects on the improvement of the performance of the organization.

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