تأثيرات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة على سوق العمل في مصر الواقع – المأمول

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


أستاذ الاقتصاد المساعد – کلية التجارة – فرع البنات – جامعة الأزهر


During the past two centuries - the eighteenth and nineteenth - the world witnessed the emergence of the Industrial Revolution. This incident is the most powerful expression of the profound scientific and technical transformations that have clearly emerged in industry and transportation, and was launched from England to spread to the rest of Western Europe and the world at large, which contributed to the occurrence of a qualitative and quantitative transformation in the arts of industrial production and all other sectors. At that time, a transition took place from handicrafts that depending on human work to the automatic industry that relies on a machine that is driven by a motor force. Moreover, Europe at this stage knew many discoveries and inventions that entered the various branches of industry - such as mining and iron - which contributed to a significant increase in both capital formation and production, and the industry became the central activity in the national economy.
With all the previous three industrial revolutions, man’s contribution declined relatively after he was in control of what he was producing, and with technical progress and modern technologies, fears increased that a day would come when the machine would control his fate and make him a negative element.
This was one of the most important topics of discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2016, and although some welcomed the progress and its effects, many of the participants warned of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. In their opinion, adopting it will lead to more great chaos in the labor market, as they see that during the next five years more than 20 million jobs will be eliminated in large industrialized countries. How will the situation in Egypt be with the digital transformation, especially with the high rates of unemployment and poverty, and what is our role to promote positive results and help the defaulters as a result of this transformation؟

الكلمات الرئيسية

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